Mastering the 'Lazy' Mindset

Using GulpJS

a picture of me

Joe Skeen

Intermountain Healthcare

So what do you mean by 'lazy'?

from the Oxford Dictionary:

"Unwilling to work or use energy"

from Joe's dictionary:

"Unwilling to work or use energy on things machines can already do for you"

for example

Web development is easy!

All you have to know how to do is...

mastering modern web development requires mastering many, many tools and concepts

...and you need to remember to do all of them in the right order.

Every time.

The Lazy Way

Let a tool manage all that for you

gulp logo

Can Help

  • Automate Repetitive Tasks
  • Reduce Human Error
  • Improve Practices

Before we get ahead of ourselves

When is Gulp not a good choice?

Adequate task automation is already available
There is very little to automate (if Gulp would be overkill)

When to use Gulp?

  • Your project doesn't have task automation
  • Your project's existing task automation is limiting your productivity
  • You are creating a seed project or a generator

Gulp Basics

Gulp runs tasks from a Gulpfile
(gulpfile.js, gulpfile.ts,, etc.)
gulp.task defines a task
gulp.src takes source files and creates a stream of file objects
gulp.dest writes the transformed source files back to disk
Call .pipe() on the stream to add a transform step for the files
pipes in Gulp
Image Source
Call .pipe() on the stream to add a transform step for the files
Gulp plugins give you many options for transforming your files
Gulp tasks can depend on other tasks will watch the files for changes then execute one or more tasks

Where do we start?

the most successful lazy people understand the problem they are avoiding

The problem

Building a production-quality web app requires a lot of steps
mastering modern web development requires mastering many, many tools and concepts
*for the purposes of this discussion we'll talk about building an Angular 1.x app with TypeScript

High-Level Objectives

  • serve up code while developing
  • run tests (unit tests and/or ui tests)
  • optimize / bundle app for production
  • serve up production version for prerelease testing
  • deal with the backend server (Node, Java, etc.)

How would I do the process manually?


  • make a code change and save - watch for changes
  • lint the code - script files
  • compile the TS to JS - script files
  • run ngAnnotate - script files
  • compile SASS to CSS - style files
  • inject script references into HTML file - index
  • serve the code - live reload
  • verify the results
Handle Script Files
Handle Style Files
Inject files into Index
Pat yourself on the back here's one I made earlier
The best lazy people

Don't reinvent the wheel

If someone has already found a good solution,
adapt it to your own use case!
Here's one I made earlier here's one I made earlier (mars-ts folder)

Now it's your turn!

npm install -g gulp-cli
npm install --save-dev gulp   Slides:
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OpenWest Conference 2016
July 13-16 2016
South Towne Expo Center